
7 Essential 无菌处理技术员 Skills


7 Essential 无菌处理技术员 Skills

医疗器械的灭菌过程可能是病人认为理所当然的事情, 但这并不能降低遵循正确技术对医疗器械进行净化和消毒的重要性. 根据美国.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each day 1 of every 31 hospital patients acquires a healthcare-associated infection. Those infections can be serious, and they can even result in death.  

While several things can lead to healthcare-associated infections, one risk factor is not adhering to best practices in medical instrument sterilization. 幸运的是, 依靠无菌处理技术人员的技能可以帮助医疗机构最大限度地减少感染,并为患者保持安全的环境.

Individuals who are contemplating enrolling in a 无菌处理技术员计划 是否可以从学习无菌处理技术的技能中受益,从而为医疗保健做出宝贵贡献.


A 无菌处理技术员 ensures the instruments used by a healthcare organization’s staff are sterile. 要做到这一点, 无菌处理技术人员使用专用设备(如高压灭菌器)进行手动清洁和灭菌, which is also known as a steam sterilizer. An autoclave uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, 病毒。, 医疗设备上的真菌和孢子.  

Why Become a 无菌处理技术员?

After receiving training to acquire the proper skills, 无菌处理技术人员有机会在医疗保健中发挥重要作用. 

无菌处理技术人员的专业知识使他们在几乎任何种类的护理中都必不可少. 正因为如此,无菌处理技术人员可以为各种雇主工作,包括:

  • 普通医院和外科医院
  • 牙科办公室
  • 门诊中心
  • 医生的办公室
  • 专业的医院
  • 医学实验室
  • 制药公司

无菌处理技术员 Responsibilities

而对器械进行灭菌是无菌处理技术人员的首要责任, individuals in the role also carry out several other duties. 例子包括:

  • Reviewing sterilization equipment for defects
  • Testing sterilization equipment and recording test results
  • 订购消毒用品
  • Assembling trays with sterilized instruments
  • 分发消毒用品并确保这些用品没有超过保质期

How to Become a 无菌处理技术员

The overall steps to becoming a 无菌处理技术员 include the following.

  • Earn a high school diploma or the equivalent.
  • Complete a 无菌处理技术员 educational program.
  • Gain work experience in a sterile processing department and obtain certification. (例如, to obtain certification as a Certified Registered Central Service Technician, 或CRCST, 个人需要在无菌处理部门工作至少400小时,并通过认证考试.)


回顾基本的无菌处理技术人员技能是熟悉这个职业和了解在这个角色中工作需要什么的好方法. 以下列出的七项技能与成为CRCST必须具备的技能类别相似.

1. Cleaning, Decontamination, and Disinfection

清洁技能和专业知识, 去污, and disinfection are at the heart of succeeding in the role of s消毒技术员. 这从安全标准和工作环境气候等领域的专业知识开始, and it extends into skills in areas such as:

  • Preparing instruments and equipment for 去污
  • 选择合适的消毒剂
  • 执行特定的消毒程序(这需要稀释等方面的技能), 冲洗, 存储, 和记录)

2. 准备和包装

Sterilization efforts can be undone by improper preparation and packaging. 因此,年代消毒技术员s need to have skills in areas such as:

  • 组装包装物品
  • Keeping items safe by using elements like tray liners and tip protectors
  • 测试功能项
  • 正确识别物品
  • Using count sheets to keep track of items and their quantity

3. 灭菌过程

了解如何执行特定的灭菌过程是灭菌处理技术人员最关键的技能之一. Carrying out these processes requires skills in areas such as:

  • High temperature sterilization using steam or dry heat
  • 低温灭菌使用气体等离子体,汽化,环氧乙烷,或液体化学品

灭菌过程中的技能还包括生物测试和解释测试结果的技能, 以及灭菌设备的使用和灭菌验证流程.

4. 病人护理设备

Sterilization of patient care equipment requires skills in areas such as:

  • Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • 手卫生
  • 维护电气安全
  • Proper receiving of items for sterilization

5. 无菌储存和库存管理


  • Procuring and replenishing sterile items
  • 储存和分发无菌物品
  • Tracking high-dollar items such as emergency carts
  • Inspecting new sterile items as they come into inventory

6. 文件和记录的维护

S消毒技术员s need strong skills in documentation and recordkeeping. 例如,他们需要能够:

  • Track maintenance performed on sterilization equipment
  • Record the details of accidents and incidents related to sterilization and equipment
  • 记录工作人员接受的与绝育有关的教育和培训

7. 客户关系

从事支持工作需要无菌处理技术人员提高他们的客户关系技巧, 包括以下领域的技能:

  • 沟通
  • 团队合作
  • 决策
  • 批判性思维
  • 优先级


Benefits of a 无菌处理技术员 Training 程序

完成无菌处理技术人员培训计划为个人的职业生涯做准备. But acquiring skills to work in sterile processing also provides other benefits. 例如,完成无菌处理方面的培训计划使个人能够:

  • 从事医疗保健事业. 成为一名无菌处理技术人员是进入医疗保健领域的好方法,并有机会在各种医疗保健环境中工作.
  • 改变病人的生活. 无菌处理技术人员的工作对取得积极的健康成果至关重要. 医生, 护士, 外科医生依靠无菌处理技术人员为他们提供无菌器械,使他们能够改善病人的健康状况.
  • Work in a field with a strong job outlook. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,在2022年至2032年期间,医疗设备准备工的就业机会将增长5%,这一增长超过了BLS对美国医疗设备准备工3%的预测.S. 整个就业市场.
  • 追求进步和专业化. CRCST certification is just one certification that can be pursued. For example, an individual can pursue training to become a:
    • 认证仪器专家(CIS), 哪一种认证表明个人具有专业知识和技能来执行无菌处理的高级工作
    • 认证内窥镜再处理器(CER), 哪一种认证表明个人具有与内窥镜灭菌相关的特定专业知识和技能

Strong 无菌处理技术员 Skills Are Crucial to Effective 医疗保健

无菌处理的广泛影响和关键性质使其成为医疗保健的重要组成部分. 影响着每一个病人的生命, 无菌处理技术人员的技能对于支持提供者提供高质量医疗保健的能力至关重要. Individuals with an interest in working in healthcare can explore the Fortis 无菌处理技术员课程 to learn how they can help in achieving their career ambitions. 

课程将课堂教学与通过实际经验培养技能相结合, these programs can prepare individuals for fulfilling careers. 

Start your journey to a rewarding career in healthcare.

A Day in the Life of a Surgical Technologist
The Role of a 无菌处理技术员
Six Medical Careers That Don’t Involve Patient Interaction

医疗保健 Sterile Processing Association, Certification Handbook
医疗保健 Sterile Processing Association, Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) Exam Content Outline
Indeed, “How to Become a 无菌处理技术员”
今日感染控制, “Sterile Processing Techs Can Never ‘Dial It In’ Because Lives Are on the Line”
U.S. 劳工统计局, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 31-9093医疗设备准备人员
U.S. 劳工统计局, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, Data for Occupations Not Covered in Detail, 医疗设备准备人员
U.S. 疾病控制和预防中心,健康主题-医疗保健相关感染(HAI)